Ahad, 14 Februari 2021

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 Luqman's conversation with his son through a narration in the book Tafsir Rahul Ma'ani and the Book of Hidayatul Mursyidin, is narrated to have given his son twenty-five wills, namely:

1. O my son, indeed this world is like a deep ocean, many people are drowned in it. If you want to be safe, so as not to sink, sail the ocean with a canoe called taqwa, the contents are faith and the sail is tawakkal to Allah.

2. O my son, do not swallow any food because it is sweet and do not continue to vomit something because it is bitter. Because sweetness does not necessarily bring freshness and bitterness does not necessarily bring misfortune.

3. O my son, if you want to find a true friend, then test first with things that raise his anger. When in anger he is still trying to convince you then you can take him as a friend and if not so then be careful of him.

4. Improve your speech, your courtesy and your sweet face, because you will be liked by people more than they like other people who have given them valuables.

5. O my son, do not laugh too easily if it is not a funny thing, do not walk without a definite purpose, do not ask something that is useless to yourself and do not waste your worldly possessions.

6. O my son, take the wealth of the world just for your needs, and spend the rest for your hereafter. Do not kick this world into the trash, later you will be a beggar who burdens others. Instead, do not embrace this world and swallow the water, because indeed everything you eat and use is mere land. Do not be friends with fools and people who are double-faced, for it will endanger you.

7. O my son, when you are friends, make yourself a person who never expects anything from it. But let him expect something from you.

8. Make yourself in every matter as a person who does not want to praise or solicit praise from others, because the mastery of riya 'will cause you to have an accident.

9. O my son, do not be inclined to the world alone and your heart should not be preoccupied with worldly affairs alone, because you were created by God not for worldly affairs only. Indeed, no one is more despicable than the one who is deceived by the world alone.

10. O my son, try not to let your mouth utter bad, dirty and rude words because you will be safer when you are silent. When it comes to talking, try to benefit yourself.

11. O my son, it is not a good thing in his name when you always seek knowledge but you do not practice it. It does not change like a person looking for firewood, after accumulating a lot then he can not bear it, even though he still continues to collect it.

12. Do not eat or drink too much because indeed eating too much will damage yourself and your thoughts and how good it is to give more food to dogs only.

13. Whoever is loving, of course will be loved, anyone who likes to be silent will certainly be safe from talking about things that contain poison and anyone who is not able to restrain his tongue from saying dirty, will certainly regret.

14. O my son, get along well with pious and knowledgeable people. Pay attention to his words and advice because it will really cool your heart to listen to his advice, your heart will live with the light of wisdom from the pearls said by the pious scholars like fertile soil watered by rain water.

15. O my son, if you are faced with two choices, visiting the dead or attending a wedding, then you should choose to visit the dead. Because visiting the dead will remind you of the afterlife, while attending the wedding will only remind you of the pleasures of the world.

16. Eat your food with people who are pious and discuss all your affairs with the pious scholars by asking for advice from him.

17. Those who always prepare themselves to receive advice, then they will get care from God. People who repent and realize after receiving advice from others, will always receive glory from Allah swt.

18. O my son, if your parents scold you, then his anger is a watering of water for dry plants.

19. Stay away from debt because indeed debt will make you humble during the day and despised at night.

20. Always hope in Allah to keep you away from something that causes you to disobey Him. Fear Allah with true fear, of course you will escape the nature of despair from the mercy of Allah swt.

21. O my son, you have felt how heavy it is to lift a large stone and a very heavy iron but it is heavier than that all when you have an evil neighbor.

22. O my son, never send messengers through fools and evil men. So if there is no good and clever person, you should be the only messenger.

23. Stay away from the nature of lies, because lying is very good to do it like eating bird meat, even though very few acts of lies are done, the consequences and dangers are very great.

24. O my son, a person who feels humble and low in worship and obedience to God, then that person will always tawadhuk to God, he will be closer to God and always avoid himself from committing sins.

25. O my son, a liar will lose his face because he is not trusted by people and a person whose morals have been corrupted will always think and fantasize about things that are not true. Know that moving a heavy boulder from its original place is easier than giving meaning to those who do not want to understand.

Sholawat Nabi pembuka pintu rezeki || rezeki datang dari segala arah....masjid dan rumah tiada lagi solawat berjemaah masyaallahakibat corona

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